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tv   News 4 Today at 5  NBC  January 27, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EST

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too, tom. maybe you'll loan me the keys. i doubt it. it's not true -- everyone's like, oh, you care about how it looks. just not true. >> that's true. that is true. good consumers. >> there you go. stay with us, "news4 today" continues right now at 5:00 a.m. more problems for open d.c. protesters at mcpherson square. a mystery in prince george's county after a body is found in a well. good morning, i'm joe krebs. >> i'm eun yang. welcome to "news4 today" for this friday, january 27, 2012. let's take a live look outside at 5:00 a.m. it says 60 degrees near our building in northwest washington. still very balmy and humid, too. >> yeah. that's not a typo, that is actually 60 around northwest washington, too. >> nutty.
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>> despite the fact that the sensor's near our building. and around the region, to the south, in the mid 60s here pre-dawn on this 27th day of january. there are confused crocuses this morning. some flowers are coming up. they're in for a rude awakening by later today. right now, 54, light rain at reagan national. and when i got up around 2:00, i looked at the radar and went, whoa, look at that. there's a lot of rain falling from new york state all the way down to georgia. and we're right sort of in the middle of it. it's a front coming into the region. the area of light green and light blue is just sprinkle activity. getting sprinkles in the nearby suburbs. but there's heavier rain, areas of orange and yellow now coming along the east side of the blue ridge, about coming into western culpeper county now and farther south and west. also other showers. look at the contrast in temperatures. 60s just to the south of the metro area. and it's in the 30s up near the pennsylvania border. we'll have the mild air through the morning hours with
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occasional showers. then gusty winds as we clear out this afternoon and get colder. colder night tonight, a look at the evening planner in ten minutes. danella has friday traffic. good morning. good morning, if you're taking the beltway, we'll check travel speeds together. right now inner loop at braddock, 62 miles per hour. traveling in prince george's county this time, pennsylvania avenue, inner loop speed 58 miles per hour. looking really good. outer loop in montgomery county, making your way past university boulevard, you're at 61 miles per hour. and if you find yourself traveling anywhere between the spur, even to the dulles toll road, nothing but green in both directions. i'll give you a live look at the memorial bridge because your volume is really good in this area. again, on the inner loop and outer loop, accident free at this time. joe, back to you. >> danella, thank you very much. we have breaking news right now. firefighters are investigating a carbon monoxide leak at the same building for the second time this week. news4's megan mcgrath is live in georgetown with the latest on this. good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, joe. we've got elevated carbon monoxide levels inside several
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buildings and a business here. i'm going to step out of the way. you'll see all of the crews here on scene. this is m street and 33rd street. and the georgetown cupcake has been evacuated, as well as the apartments that are up above. again, for elevated levels of carbon monoxide. early this morning, one of the detectors in one of the apartment went off, notified the people living inside that they had elevated levels of this gas, dangerous levels inside their apartment building. they called 911. everyone has been evacuated at this point and crews are trying to figure out the exact source of this potentially deadly gas. they still have not isolated exactly where it's coming from. as you mentioned, joe, this is the second time in one week that some of these folks have been evacuated. at the beginning of the week there was a similar incident. again, one of the carbon monoxide detectors inside an apartment went off, alerted the residents that there was a problem. everybody was evacuated. they thought that the cause of that had something to do with a
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stove at a nearby restaurant that was malfunctioning. those folks were allowed back in. but here we are just a couple days later with a similar situation. spoke to one of those residents who said that actually earlier in the afternoon yesterday, he was feeling not so great. he was feeling dizzy. had some headaches, didn't think anything of it because they had been cleared from the earlier incident. he just thought he was perhaps coming down with something. in light of what's happened, he's wondering whether he was exposed to carbon monoxide. the investigation still ongoing. we'll have an update later in the show. back to you. >> thank you very much. new from overnight, u.s. park police have arrested a few protesters at the mcpherson square location. occupy d.c. organizers tell news4 that park police were checking tonight make sure no one was sleeping last night when a few protesters became unruly. three protesters were taken into custody, we're told. so far there's no word on what charge they might face. earlier this week the national parks service did say it would begin enforcing the no camping
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rule. demonstrators have been camping out there since october. now to a developing story in prince george's county. right now police are on the scene where a body was found in a well. they are working to identify the body. this is happening in the 11900 block of old fort road in ft. washington. tracee wilkins is live there with the overnight developments. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we're quite a distance from where police are actually working. as you can see here behind me, this is where they have the road blocked. and then over there in that distance where you see the glow, that is the house where this body was found. and that's where police are working now. this is as close as we're allowed to actually get to the scene. we're actually more than a mile away. last night investigators brought in portable lights and set up a tent to protect evidence at the scene where the body was found inside of a well. prince george's county patrol officers were called to the 11900 block of old fort road about 1:00 p.m. by an anonymous phone call.
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the caller said there was a body in a well next to an unoccupied home. removing the body from the 20-foot-deep well will be a complicated process. >> we've got to excavate around the well. that requires a lot of equipment, it requires a lot of manpower. there is the potential for a well collapse. >> reporter: alexandria police are on the scene. they're investigating the september disappearance of community activist lenny harris. now his wallet was found on the woodrow wilson bridge a few miles from where we are. someone was seen using his credit card in prince george's county. now we talked with his family, and at this point, they say that they have spoken with police, but they have not been told anything concrete right now. i'm tracee wilkins live at ft. washington. back to you. >> thank you. today the woman convicted of killing a co-worker at the lululemon store will learn her
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punishment. she was convicted in the brutal death last march. the conviction carries a life sentence for murder. norwood's family and friends are fighting for a chance at parole for her. if norwood is given life with a chance for parole, she could serve -- would have to serve at least 25 years before having her first parole review. this morning, police in loudoun county are investigating reports that students brought marijuana-laced brownies to a school in ashburn. the sheriff tells news4 his deputies will spend the day at farmwell station middle school. the school district has not released any information except to say that it is investigating the claims, as well. you in to the race for the white house -- now to the race for the white house. mitt romney is taking a more aggressive notone in his attack against newt gingrich. the candidates squared off before the primary next tuesday. all four white house hopefuls took part, but the focus was primarily on romney and
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gingrich. romney was particularly animated when gingrich called him the most anti-immigrant gop candidate. >> i want to make sure i understand. is he still the most anti-immigrant candidate? >> i think of the four of us, yes. >> go ahead, governor. >> that's simply inexcusable. that's inexcusable. and actually, senator marco rubio came to my defense and said that ad was inexcusable and inflammatory and inappropriate. mr. speaker, i'm not anti-immigrant. my father was born in mexico. my wife's father was born in wales. they came to this country. the idea that i'm anti-immigrant is repulsive. don't use a term like that. >> romney and gingrich also sparred over their investments and connections to fannie mae and freddie mac. a political action committee that supports newt gingrich is launching a new attack on mitt romney. >> you never do any work with any company which worked with a government like medicare -- >> we didn't do any work with the government -- ♪ >> the group winning our future plans on releasing a documentary on line today called "blood
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money." it focuses on a company romney's private equity firm required called damon corporation. the culture was fined millions of dollars for medicare fraud and eventually went bankrupt. meanwhile, newt gingrich may be emerging as the front-runner in the race for the gop nomination. he leads mitt romney by nine points among republicans likely to vote in the primaries. that's according to the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll. rick santorum is a distant third, followed by ron paul. that may not be the best news for the republican party, though. gingrich is the worst of all candidates tested against president obama in the general election. the former house speaker would lose by 18 points according to the poll. romney would fare best against the president. he trails by just six points among registered voters. our time now is 5:09. hoping to avoid another frustrating commute, the latest service problem with metro as that agency lays out its plans to charge you more. plus, it is the picture that stirred up a lot of talk.
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now we're getting a look at the letter arizona's governor delivered to president obama. i warm but wet start to the day.
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good morning. around our region, we have light rain in the district of columbia, fairfax, arlington, montgomery, prince george's county. and in southern maryland and
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right down interstate 95 to fredericksburg and over toward warrenton. there's heavier showers right along the east side of the blue ridge, now into madison and green counties. about to come into culpeper and rappahannock the next hour. there's another band of heavier showers, too, about to come into the northern shenandoah valley out of the panhandle of west virginia. temperatures there are just around 40. closer to washington, it's in the 50s and even low 60s throughout much of the region just south of washington. incredibly mild start to this friday morning. we'll hold steady, mild this morning with occasional showers and getting windy and cooler this afternoon as we clear out. we'll get sunshine, then turning colder, down to near 40 by midnight under a clear sky. a look at the weekend and into next week in ten minutes. how's traffic? we have a crash involving an overturned car. this is if you're traveling northbound 295 approaching route 197 in lower bowie road. that right lane is blocked. be aware of that. traveling 50 heading out to annapolis, a good commute. we'll look inside the beltway at
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202 on 50. no issues here. in fact, east and west, travel lanes are open. joe and eun? >> thanks. 5:13. 61 degrees, it's going up. ahead on "news4 today," some popular winter footwear is being banned. why one local school is telling kids to leave their uggs at home. >> don't need the winter footwear today. running to safety. [ female announcer ] back to school means back to busy mornings.
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that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury ham and cheese crescents. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury ham and cheese crescents. school night ideas made easy.
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good morning, metro rail riders are hoping for a smoother commute today. a cracked rail caused a morning mess on the red line yesterday. then last night, riders on the orange line complained that they were stuck on the train for an hour. expect more delays this weekend.
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the transit -- the transit agency will close stations and conduct track work on four of the five lines. passengers are frustrated with metro and says it needs more money before things ever get better. we have more on the many issues metro's dealing with this morning. >> reporter: good morning. commuters on the system's busiest line are hoping for a smoother trip this morning than what they were dealing with yesterday. a cracked rail outside the tinley town station caused a major headache yesterday, forcing trains to single track between friendship heights and van ness for more than four hours. now unlike some other cracked rails earlier this winter, this was not weather related but rather a crack officials say is just due to the rail's age. even if the commute is different this morning and goes well, weekend track work that has become commonplace will close two stations. talking about woodley park, we're also talking about cleveland park on the red line. plus, there will be single tracking on the blue and orange lines between mcpherson square and the smithsonian.
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green line trains will share a track between naylor road and branch avenue. also yellow line trains will only be able to travel between huntington and mt. vernon square. all of that work starts tonight at 10:00 p.m. take a look here. it's the weekend closures. yesterday, a surprise cracked rail that metro officials point to as proof that they need to raise fares to bring in more money. the board voted to keep a proposed fare hike on the table. they'll be holding public hearings in the coming months. that fare hike would mean increases on rails, buses, and parking lots and garages. the biggest hike would be for riders who use paper fare cards. the board now also proposing a new 28-day rail pass that would be at a discounted price in hopes of appeasing riders. back to you. >> melissa malay reporting. the parent company of an electric car battery maker that received a $118 million grant from the obama administration filed for chapter 11 bankrupt protection. enter one is the third company to seek protection after getting assistance from the energy
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department under the economic stimulus law. california's solar panelmaker solyndra and another storage firm declared bankruptcy last year. we now know what was in the letter arizona governor jan brewer delivered to president obama on wednesday. the two appeared to share a tense exchange on the tarmac when he arrived in phoenix with the governor pointing her finger at the president. governor brewer released a letter yesterday that says, "we both love this great country, but we fundamentally disagree on how to best make america grow and prosper. once again, i'd love an opportunity to share with you how we've been able to turn arizona around with hard choices that turned out to be the right ones." new this morning, "costa concordia" is offering passengers of the capsized italian cruise ship $14,500 each as compensation for their ruined cruise. the company is also reimbursing passengers the cost of their cruise tickets as well as any travel and medical expenses they had to pay for out of pocket
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following the crash. meanwhile, firefighters -- search and rescue crews continued the search for bodies inside the ship. they were also looking for documents, hard drives, or anything that would help reconstruct the events that led up to the crash. 16 people are confirmed dead. 16 others are still missing. this morning many questioning the infrastructure in rio de janeiro after three buildings collapsed. this is security video showing people running to safety as the build comings down behind them. you can see the dust following the people running away. rescuers pulled at least six bodies from the rubble. 16 people remain missing. brazilian officials suspect shoddy construction work for the collapse. rio will host the world cup in 2014 and the summer olympics in 2016. today, new york police commissioner raymond kelly is likely to face questions publicly for the first time about an allegation of rape against his son. earlier this week, a woman accused greg kelly of sexually
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assaulting her and getting her pregnant. kelly is an anchor for fox's "good day new york." kelly denies wrongdoing and has not been charged with any crime. the commissioner who leads the city's department, has been leading it for the last decade, is expected to speak to the press after a promotion ceremony later today. let's check the forecast now. this bizarre january weather, the roller coaster continues. tom? we have a cold front coming in, too, triggering strong thunderstorms. right now we've got a severe thunderstorm warning out for culpeper county, orange county, and farther south and west, madison and green counties, into rappahannock county. this is a line of some thunder and lightning with some heavy downpours and maybe strong, gusty winds coming the next half-hour or so. becoming near culpeper, perhaps in about 15 minutes. so there may be thunder, and there may be frequent lightning along with some very heavy downpours. closer to washington right now, we're getting some light rain around washington, montgomery,
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arlington, fairfax, and prince george's counties and points south. and as well, points north where we have temperatures in the 30s near the pennsylvania border. in the 60s south of washington. 54 now at reagan national. sunrise today will be at 7:19. we'll have some moderate to maybe heavy downpours here for the next two or three hours. we'll be mild, too, in the 50s and low 60s, much of the region the next few hours. then we'll get colder this afternoon. winds gusting to 35 miles per hour, shifting to the northwest after the cold front comes through early afternoon. we'll clear out, but it will turn colder all the way down to near 40 pie midnight tonight. the winds -- by midnight tonight. the winds will diminish under a clear sky. by dawn saturday, near the freezing mark. during the day tomorrow, sunshine, highs low to mid 50s with lighter winds. sunday, turning colder, mostly cloudy and then a cold start to the week, monday's high only near 40. the low that morning, near 20. should be clear. then warming up midweek, maybe rain thursday. how's traffic? we have a couple of things to look out for if you're ready
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to head out. first, taking the dulles toll road eastbound at route 123, have a disabled car blocking the right lane. also, on bw parkway in maryland, as you approach route 197 northbound, right lane blocked by an overturned car. be aware of that as you make your commute. volume is increasing in our area. i see it on i270 at falls road. northbound as well as southbound here, no accidents. just a little volume. joe, back to you. >> danella, thank you very much. the london olympic begin six months from today. july 27. this morning we're getting a look at some of the venues that will host many of the events. most of the facilities are already complete. london's mayor says the city is now switching its focus from building to staging. they say they're getting ready for a possible attack, police say. the official terror threat level during the games will be listed as severe. game show host bob barker is speaking out against the university of virginia over medical training it's conducting
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that involve live cats. the former "price is right" host is asking uva to use high-tech simulators instead of the animals. the technique is used to teach graduate physicians how to insert breathing tubes into critically ill premature newborns. the school claims there are no similarity that's can train students as well as the use of live cats. a middle school in pennsylvania is banning a popular style of winter boots from its classrooms. school officials say the students were using their uggs to hide cell phones and food. ooh. teachers complained the boots became a distraction. lei laceup and tight-fitted boots are still allowed. children can wear uggs to get to school but must change before class. parents have mixed reactions to the new rule. >> kids can't learn if their cell phones keep going off during the day. >> they wear school uniforms, they should go as far as shoes. >> my daughter ain't been raised
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on a silver spoon and i can't afford to be buying her a bunch of shoes to keep changing every day. >> some students say they can sneak cell phones and food just as easily into basketball-style shoes. a new study suggests that women who constantly wear high heels risk permanent damage to their body. uh-oh. the study was released in "the journal of applied physiology." the study says women who wear high heels all the time risk damaging their knees, hips, back and tendons because high heels force all of the body weight on to the ball of the foot and compromise stability. the damage can be seen in women as young as 25 years old. you'll have to wrap me up in bandages. >> you take this home and read this three times tonight. memorize that story. our time is -- >> all right. >> 5:26. coming up, getting a little testy during the republican debates. >> after monday night, frankly i've had about enough of this. >> the issues that had mitt romney and gingrich on the attack against each other.
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plus, the clock is ticking. while y you're running out of
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simply inuseable. and actually -- inexcusable. and actually senator marco rubio came to my defense and said the was inexcusable and inappropriate. >> mitt romney on the attack as he tries to remain the front-runner ahead of the florida primary. good morning to you, i'm eun yang. >> good morning to you, i'm joe krebs. welcome to "news4 today," it is friday, the 27th day of january. it certainly doesn't feel like it outside. take a look outside this morning. we have cloudy skies. it is 61 degrees right now. it is almost stupidly warm and humid out there this morning. that's -- not only in this area but around the region we have temperatures that are that high. >> this has been a pattern for january. we've been cold and warm and cold and warm. and we're back to warm. but tom says it's not going to last long. >> right. in fact, right now we have got some strong thunderstorm as we
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take a look at the radar right now. we have a line of some quickly, fast-moving thunderstorms that have quickly developed here. that area of orange you see. and that area of yellow just to the east of the blue ridge. now just coming in to culpeper county. that is a line of some strong storms. in fact, this area that you see highlighted, that's the zone that could be impacted by 60 mile-per-hour winds and some brief, heavy downpours. includes southern rappahannock county and into culpeper county. this is in effect for about another 15 minutes. and elsewhere, farther north and west, we're getting light rain. boy, what a contrast in temperatures around. we're in the 60s to the south of the metro area. up on the pennsylvania border, it's in the 30s. 54 at reagan national now. we'll have some of these passing showers all the way until noontime with mild temperatures. and maybe some heavy downpours with some damaging winds. so stay tuned. as the morning progresses, i'll be keeping you fully informed. clearing, windy, colder this afternoon into tonight. a look at the evening planner in
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ten minutes. danella? good morning. taking bw parkway northbound, a couple issues to look out for. the first one as you approach route 198, right lane is blocked by an overturned vehicle. as you continue your commute northbound, right lane blocked again. this time at 197. the accident here in the right lane, you can see you are slow as you approach this accident. just be aware of it. taking the beltway in prince george's county, i'm not really seeing any issue for you at all as you make your commute. we'll take a live look at central avenue. and you can see -- some volume but no major delays at all. no accidents to report. joe, back to you. >> danella, thank you very much. mitt romney is stepping up his attacks against newt gingrich. the two front-runners for the republican presidential nomination took serious jabs at each other during the final debate before the key florida primary next tuesday. nbc's tracie potts is live on capitol hill now with more on this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. the consensus from analysts was that it was romney's strongest debate performance yet, and he
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needs it. florida still in play. it is a big winner-take-all state. this one still in flux. the latest poll showhat head-to-head match-up that we've seen so far in florida seems to be breaking up a bit. romney pulling ahead in several polls by seven to eight points. last night at the debate, the two front-runners sparred over immigration. gingrich called romney anti-immigrant. romney said his dad was born in mexico. that's inexcusable. he called it repulsive. and they also sparred over who profited more from mortgage giants fannie mae and freddie mac during the housing crisis. >> we discovered to our shock that governor romney owns shares of both fannie mae and freddie mac. governor romney made a million dollars off of selling some of that. governor romney owned -- has an investment in goldman sachs, which is today foreclosing on floridians. >> what the speaker did was to work as a spokesman to promote fannie mae and freddie mac. to protect them from those
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people that wanted to take him down. he got paid $1.6 million to do that. he said his first contract indicated there would be no lobbying. but his second contract didn't have that prescription taken out of it. >> rick stay-at-home and ron paul barely got a word in, but they did comment on gingrich's idea of establishing a moon colony in the next eight years, build of dollars. that could cost. paul said and he probably got one of the biggest laughs, "we don't need to go to the moon, but maybe we need to send some politicians there." the end of debate number 19. now they get a break. the next one, number 20, doesn't happen for almost a month. joe? >> wow. whether folks can deal with the withdrawal symptoms from that. thank you very much. >> reporter: you're welcome. mitt romney could be facing more heat over some of his overseas investments. a campaign official tells nbc news that the campaign is revising his federal ethics foreform to report a half dozen
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offshore holdings that weren't included in the forms he filed with the government of office ethics last august. the campaign describes the issue as a minor discrepancy and insists the romneys have paid their taxes in full. much of the attention lately has been on the race for the white house. many members of congress may be concerned about holding on to their jobs this election year. according to a new poll, the majority of registered voters say they would vote out every member of congress if they could. 56% of voters said they would prefer a whole new congress. and the anger appears to be bipartisan. 55% of liberals and 55% of moderates and 58% of conservatives say they would vote out congress if they could. breaking news at 5:35. firefighters are investigating a carbon monoxide leak at the same building for the second time this week. megan mcgrath is live in georgetown now with the latest. good morning. what's going on? >> reporter: well, you can see that emergency crews are still here on the street. we're at m street and 33rd.
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georgetown cupcake as well as several of the apartments on the second level have been evacuated. you can see some of the residents there standing on the corner. they're not being allowed inside their apartments because of high carbon monoxide levels. an alarm went off early this morning, alerting the residents that there was a problem. in fact, this is something that they have seen before. it was earlier this week, just at the start of the week, when there was a similar situation. a carbon monoxide build-up inside the apartments in that situation. again, an alarm. a detector went off alerting them that there was a problem. they were all evacuated then, as well. now, the fire department believed that they had found the cause of that. it was believed that there was some sort of a malfunctioning stove that caused the build-up. the all clear was given. everyone was allowed back into their unit. here we are again, just days later, with a similar situation. we spoke to one evacuated resident and needless to say, she's concerned. >> it's ridiculous. we all have work. we need to study tomorrow. but we can't. like, it's the second time.
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we don't know where the source is. i feel like, you know, they're not saying anything, like they say it's fine to go home. but how can i sleep now? >> reporter: and so the investigation continues. and the residents have not yet been allowed back in. reporting live from georgetown, megan mcgrath, news4. >> thank you. new from overnight, u.s. park police arrested a few protesters at mcpherson square. occupy d.c. organizers tell news4 the u.s. park police were checking tents to make sure that no one was sleeping inside when a few protesters became unruly. three protester were taken into custody. so far there's no word on what charges they might face. earlier this week the national parks service said it would begin enforcing the no-camping rule. demonstrators have been there at mcpherson square since october. now a developing story in prince george's county. right now police are on the scene where a body was found in a well. they are working to identify the body now. this is happening in the 11900 block of old fort road in ft.
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washington. a tipster called police yesterday afternoon and told them where to find the body. last night investigators brought in portable lights and set up a tent to protect evidence. police say removing the body from 290-foot--- 20-feet-deep well is a difficult process. >> to excavate, it requires equipment, manpower, there is a potential for a collapse. >> alexandria police are also on the scene. they move the body could be community activist lenny harris. he hasn't been seen since september. his brother told news4 detectives contacted him about the remains but said they won't know more until today. 5:38. waiting to hrn her fate, the sentence a former lululemon worker faces. a newspaper ad raising eyebrows in the district.
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(announcer) dry cracked skin? anti-itch tion gives fast, lasting relief. got an itch? gold bond lotion. the quick fix for almost every itch. weather and traffic on the 1s. 5:41. we've got strong thunderstorms moving into culpeper county out of rappahannock county. that area of red you see south of warrenton. and closer to washington, some lighter rain as well as in
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southern maryland, throughout much of virginia. some other heavier showers about to move into the northern shenandoah valley. but the strongest storms right now are near culpeper. and now just into southern, as well, rappahannock county. the areas highlighted are under the severe thunderstorm warning until 5:45, for a few minutes. may hold together and move into fauquier county here in about another half-hour or so. expect some brief heavy downpours and some gusty winds. and it's 63 degrees in culpeper. but look at winchester, 43 degrees, hagerstown, 37. so there is a cold front there. 54 at reagan national. we'll have these passing showers and maybe some thunder and lightning here this morning. and all of this ending by early afternoon. getting colder during the afternoon with some strong, gusty winds, and turning colder tonight, clearing out, down near 40 degrees by midnight. a look at the weekend and into next week in ten minutes. danella, how's traffic? good morning, well, i have good news for you if you're taking the dulles toll road eastbound. had a disabled vehicle blocking
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the right lane at route 123. that's out of the roadway. also, progress on bw parkway northbound. had an accident at route 198. it was blocking the right lane. it's now on the right shoulder lane. police are on the scene now, and they're waiting for a tow truck. are you pretty jammed heading from 197 as you approach this accident. again, it's probably just rubbernecking. back to you. >> all right. thanks. our time is 5:43. plus, if you think men are best at buying a new car, why you might want to take a woman with you when you head to the dealership next time. deale[ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪
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good morning. today the woman convicted of killing a co-worker at the lululemon in bethesda will learn her punishment.
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in november, brittany norwood was convicted of first-degree murder in the death of jana murray last month. the conviction carries a life sentence for the murder. norwood's family and friends are fighting for her chance at a possible parole. if norwood is given life with a chance for parole, she would have to serve at least 25 years before having a parole review. and police are investigating a shooting -- investigating a shooting that involved a police officer in northeast washington. the shooting occurred around 8:00 last night on ponds street. not clear what led to the shooting. one man was taken to the hospital and is expected to survive. the officer was not injured. a woman is in critical condition after being hit by a car in front of the white house. the accident happened around 8:00 last night at the corner of constitution avenue and 17th street. police tell news4 the woman was crossing the street when she was hit by a van. she was taken to the hospital with life threatening injuries. we're told the driver of the van stayed on the scene and cooperated with police but was not arrested.
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constitution between 18th and 15th were shut down as a precaution. the road has since reopened. if you have old, outstanding tickets in the district, today's the last day to pay without penalty. the district is ending its ticket amnesty program today. it allows you to pay outstanding tickets issued before january 1, 2010, without any penalties. so far the district collected more than $3.5 million in revenue through its ticket amnesty program. flew overnight, a stab -- new from overnight, a stabbing victim who walked into a recreation center for help died. the man walked into the kennedy rec center near 7th and p streets in northwest washington and collapsed from his stab wounds. it happened around 7:00 last night. he was rushed to the hospital where he later died. police are trying to figure out the exact location of the stabbing. no arrests have been made. and we're getting a closer look at the ex-marine who pled guilty to shooting several military facilities in northern virginia. jonathan milaku pled guilty to firing at the pentagon, the
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marine corps museum, and several other military locations. prosecutors released video of milaku, that he took of himself, committing the crimes. you see him masked there, and then unmasked. then you see flashes as he fired his gun at the museum in triangle, virginia. under the deal, he agreed to a 25-year sentence. you can watch the entire video right now on the woman who scammed an elderly montgomery county resident this month is behind bars this morning. u.s. marshals arrested 48-year-old linda mccorkle in new york yesterday. investigators claim that she asked an 84-year-old woman to drive her and her children to a bank to cash a check earlier this month. once at the bank, the victim was ordered to withdraw money from her own account. police identified mccorkle as the suspect thanks to a surveillance video and an anonymous tip that came in to crimesolvers. arlington national cemetery is denying reports it can't account for millions of dollars it had received over a six-year period. cemetery officials say they can
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account for the $12 million in unspent money the army's inspector general had identified. the money was discussed during a senate subcommittee hearing wednesday. a cemetery spokeswoman says federal auditors will re-examine the cemetery's financial records in june to make sure everything is accounted for. a big setback for virginia school districts hoping to begin school before labor day. a senate committee killed several bills that would eliminate the so-called kings dominion law. tourism lobbyists argue that starting school before the labor day weekend could cost -- oold cost the state much-needed late summer tourism dollars. educators say the later start puts virginia students at a disadvantage. several bills to repeal the kings dominion law are still alive, though, in the house of delegates. you probably don't have to look too to be far to find a starbucks near you. one starbucks in the district with sentiment value is about to close its doors. the coffee shop near national cathedral will close on sunday.
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believe it or not, it was the first starbucks ever on the entire east coast. it opened back in 1993. the shopping center will be turned into a mixed use development called cathedral common center. a new starbucks will open when the construction is completed. a local sports club appears to be targeting cebrity chef paula deen. in a "washington examiner" ad, the washington sports club writes, "paula, you made a fortune off fat. call us if you want to be around to enjoy it." the ad comes a few weeks after deen announced she had type-two diabetes for three years. critics say as a public figure she should have changed the way she cooked on her popular tv show. deen is now a spokesperson for a diabetes drug company. 5. -- 5:51. 61 degrees. >> raining lightly locally. there's some very heavy areas of rain right now in the northern shenandoah valley, panhandle of west virginia.
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coming into washington county. then another line farther to the south. you see the area in yellow and orange, that's another line that had been producing some very heavy rain, thunder and lightning, there was a severe thunderstorm warning out for culpeper county. now that has expired. however, there is some heavy rain just coming into warrenton, through culpeper, farther south, all the way toward charlottesville. this is the secondary line coming into the northern shenandoah valley. panhandle of west virginia, into washington county. both of these lines are getting closer to washington. we'll have some heavier rains begin to move in. right now the high-resolution radar is showing some of the heaviest rains, these areas of yellow and orange, right now all across western prince william through south central fauquier into culpeper county and all the way to charlottesville. this secondary line, the close-up view showing now just along the blue ridge and just about to come into winchester now and just to the west of the blue ridge in the central, north central shenandoah valley getting heavy rain now. maybe even thunder and lightning. closer to washington, just
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getting a few sprinkles around the area. the warning has expired for north central virginia that we had just a few minutes ago. and it's in the 60s just to our south. fredericksburg, 64, culpeper, 63. manassas and warrenton, in the low 60s right now. it's just in the 40s, shenandoah valley, and the 30s along the pennsylvania border. so quite a contrast in temperatures. right now, montgomery, arlington, fairfax, prince george's county are in the mid 50s. and later today we'll be in the 50s and low 60s through the morning hours with passing showers, maybe brief, heavy downpours over the next couple of hours. then some gusty winds this afternoon. we might have a brief gusty wind with the heavy downpours this morning, but we'll clear out this afternoon and get colder. down to the low 50s by 5:00. then by midnight, just near 40 degrees. and under a clear sky, a blustery wind. then tomorrow, partly cloudy to sunny and into the low to mid 50s. colder weather moves in for sunday and monday. highs in the 40s on sunday. near 40 monday. but getting mild midweek next week. maybe rain by the end of the
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week. how's traffic? good morning, still seeing delays as you approach the accident. bw parkway northbound at 198, it's out of the roadway, blocking the right shoulder. you're still slow making your way northbound facing the accident. i-95 getting busy at the occoquan as you head out past the occoquan, making your way actually from dale city, continuing on to 395. you are going to see volume but still have a good northbound travel speed of 59 miles per hour. and to get from the occoquan to the beltway, the trip will only take 11 minutes. getting on to 395, seeing volume increase as you head northbound to the 14th street bridge. nothing standing in your roadway, and again, still a really good travel speed here, as well. 55 miles per hour. i'm also checking the rails for you with no reported delays. joe and you know, back to you. >> thank you very much. it is now 5:54. a new online poll finds a majority of those surveyed back several proposed changes to taxi cabs in the district. those who took the poll agree that taxi cabs should adopt a uniform color, many like the
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color yellow. they agree taxis should require lights and signals. the nonscientific poll was introduced with many of those taxicab reforms. >> i've seen yellow tax cabs somewhere, trying to remember where. just over a week before the big game, workers in indianapolis are putting the final touches on super bowl village. one of the attractions, a zip line. test runs have been made, and the most committee says a ribbon-cutting will be held this afternoon. the new york giants and new england patriots will face off in super bowl 46. that's sunday, february 5, right here on nbc 4. of course nbc 4 is your official station for the super bowl. news4's jim vance and dan hellie will be in indianapolis next week getting you ready for the big game. >> we'll be -- they'll have such a good time. bring that fun to us. >> indeed. looking for a new tv just in
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time for super bowl xlvi? now is the time to find a great deal with some stores cutting prices by as much as $1,000. but analysts say that while these deals are good, they're not as big as last year. one analyst tells "usa today" that shoppers will see a lot of advertising, but probably not a lot of great deals. the reason behind the lackluster deals is because sales at the shopping season were better than last year. if you're planning to buy a new car, chances are it will be american-made. j.d. power says that one in seven people who bought new cars said they avoided foreign-made cars. that's the highest level since 2003. experts say a sentiment to buy american that has been growing since the start of the recession has s likely a factor along with increasing quality and reliability of american-made cars. and for men, the secret to success at a car dealership may be the woman you bring along with you. a new study by car leasing web site found women
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buyers asked different and more probing questions than men while looking for a car. it also found 67% of women order a vehicle inspection during a lease transfer compared to just 54% of men. women are also more inclined to ask about safety, performance, and the car's accident history. well, shifting gears significantly here now, we have a story that brings new meaning to the phrase drunk at the wheel. >> "wheel of fortune" host pat sajak admitted that he and vanna white have been tipsy on the show before. during an interview, sajak said he and white used to get tipsy during a dinner break before taping the final show of the night. he said they would go to a local mexican restaurant and throw back a couple of margaritas. he joked it was tough to remember the alphabet during the tapings. i'll bet. he said those days are long behind him and he's now completely sober during the tapings. >> yeah. >> good idea. >> i hope he is. good for him.
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our time is 5:57. "news4 today" at 6:00 a.m. in a moment. we'll have weather & traffic on what makes the sleep number store different? the sleep number bed. with the sleep number bed, it's not about soft or firm. it's about support where you find it most comfortable. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. on a traditional mattress, there is no adjustment. you get what you're buying that day. with our bed, you change the setting to something you like. this way, if you change your mind once you get home you can adjust it. wow! that feels really good. it's hugging my body. you can adjust it to whatever your needs are. your body changes over time. the bed can adapt with you. not only does it work for you today, but it's going to work for you 20 years from now. so whatever you feel like, the sleep number bed's going to provide it for you. and now, the company that redefined sleep is redefining memory foam. save $400 on our all-new memory foam bed the only bed that combines cool, contouring gel foam with sleep number adjustability.
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and stock up and save on our exclusive bedding collection at our white sale. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. if i had a business executive th


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